Articles by Pieter Wijnen

gladmat kiddos Happy Food

Gladmat for the kiddos

Gladmat for the kiddos as well Cookery courses, chef battles, tractors, wheel of fortune and chocolate – Gladmat Festival 2019 is full of thrilling activities…

freshwater rov Norwegian Sea

Freshwater in the Norwegian Sea

Researches discover freshwater in the Norwegian Sea Finding freshwater in the Norwegian Sea and the Atlantic gives researchers hope for new water resources. It may…

Online shop

Tips on how to avoid ID theft

ID theft is on the rise in Norway, how to avoid it? About 150,000 Norwegians are annually affected by ID theft. The perpetrators use this…

Jan Tore Sanner Krekar UDI

Sanner requests an explanation from the UDI

Sanner requests an explanation from the UDI Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad’s, aka Mullah Krekar, co-accused gained Norwegian citizenship while the terror case was investigated. “Some holes…