One in five students has experienced discrimination

students graduates from secondary school higher education High SchoolsHigh School Students. Photo:

A new survey shows that 21% of Norwegian students have experienced discrimination during their study period.


‘Discrimination should not occur, and it is very serious that one in five students have experienced discrimination,’ said the Norwegian Student Organisation’s (NSO), Mats Johansen Beldo, the Head of Universitas.

The survey was conducted by Sentio on behalf of Universitas,and NSO, and charted whether students have experienced discrimination based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic background, religion, or disability.

‘I will be sounding clearly that it is unacceptable for students to experience discrimination, and/or harassment during their studies, and that I expect institutions to follow up on each situation that arises, and take care of those involved,’ Beldo said.

Jon Rogstad is a professor of sociology, and researcher on minorities and working life at Fafo, and is an expert on the subject of discrimination.

‘If people find that they are outsiders in a community of which they wish to be a part, not because of what they can or do, but because of who they are, then it’s problematic. The individual,and society lose when people don’t have the opportunity to do what they are good at because of discrimination’, he said.


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