Internet use gives children expert competence

Girl working on laptopGirl working on laptop.Photo: Frank May / NTB scanpix

Children are absorbing many levels of information when they’re online. This provides a huge potential for learning, and adults who dismiss this as useless are naive, according to a PhD project.

The PhD project “Text Incidents in children’s lives” shows the kinds of text competencies eight children aged 9 to 12 years have developed in their spare time.  “Text” is defined here as everything that can be read, including images, sound and film.

– Basically, I  naively thought that Internet use was separate from other types of reading and learning and had nothing to do with other texts . Then it struck me how everything in children’s everyday life is associated with Internet use. The social life, what they draw and write about, their interests and what they are concerned with and what they hang up on their walls, sSenior Lecturer in Norwegian Maja Michelsen at Østfold University College (Hiof) says to the news agency NTB.

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