Errors in thousands of current meters

Automatic current meters. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB scanpix

Errors in thousands of automatic current meters

About 10,000 automatic current meters do not send readings to the electrical power supplier BKK. On national basis, there may be even more.


BKK, the largest energy company in Western Norway, has, along with 26 other grid companies, purchased automatic current meters for their 750,000 customers from the Korean company Nuri Telecom

– The power consumption of the customer must be estimated, because we do not know what the actual consumption is, says the project manager in BKK, Eli Kristin Dimmen til NRK.

She stresses that the error is now fixed, but that several thousand meters still have problems.

– As a customer, you can help by unplugging the mains for at least one hour. In case of shutdown, the system will reset and the error will be fixed, says Dimmen.

The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) has decided that automatic current meters (AMS) is to be installed in all households before January 1, 2019.


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