A loaf of whole grain bread each day can lead to a longer life

Whole grain bread. Photo: Norway Today Media

Even increasing the amount of  whole grain in your daily diet by a small amount provides significant health benefits. Just switching to wholemeal bread, wholegrain pasta and-rise reduces the risk of dying prematurely by 18 percent.

Most people have by now been informed that it is healthier to eat wholegrain varieties of breads, rice and pasta, but the recommendations diverge and little is known about the amount that is needed for it to have an effect on your health. A research team in London, headed by NTNU fellow Dagfinn Aune, has focused on 45 international studies and for the first time quantified the benefits. For those who do not eat whole grains at all just 30 grams of whole grain per day will reduce the risk of premature death by 18 per cent.

– The most surprising find in the studies is that whole grain foods protect against many different diseases. For example, there was a reduced risk of mortality for heart disease, stroke, cardiovascular disease overall, cancer, infectious diseases, diabetes and respiratory diseases,  Aune says.
The results show that there is much to gain for both those who change their diet from being without whole grain products to just a small amount of whole grain products  to those who already eat some whole grain products but increase the amount of whole grain products in their diet.

Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today


1 Comment on "A loaf of whole grain bread each day can lead to a longer life"

  1. It was great, thank you

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