14 arrested in crackdown on work criminality

illegal work.Photo: pixabay.com

A major control campaign in Northern Norway uncovered undeclared work and people with illegal stay in 411 businesses.

Over 200 officials from police, Police Immigration, tax administration, tax collectors and treasurer, Nav Control and Labour Inspection took action against 411 north Norwegian businesses 4th and 5th October.

The goal was to uncover undeclared work, social dumping, people with illegal stay in the country and social security fraud.

– When agencies work together we can with greater power and precision crack down on players who show no willingness to comply with rules of the game, says Stein Birger Ring Seth, Director for Security and tax crime in Tax north in a statement.

– Very disappointed

In connection with the raid, police with the assistance of the Police Immigration arrested 14 people for illegal stay and work in northern Norway. Six of the arrests were made in Finnmark Police District, three in Oslo and five in Nordland.

It also turned out that many employers are not complying with provisions regarding employment contracts with their employees.

Payments were discoverd that were far below tariff.
– We are very disappointed that the employer does not comply with the regulations, especially when there is hired foreign workers who often do not have adequate knowledge about their rights, says John Arve Skarstad, supervisory director at Labour Inspection Authority office in Tromsø.

7,1 million

186 enterprises were controlled by the Tax Administration’s people. It has brought in over 7.1 million kroner in overdue taxes and duties during the operation. The largest amount was 1.1 million.

In addition, NAV has so far found five cases to be studied more closely for social security fraud in connection with the great raid.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today