Forest owners will shoot wolves to increase the moose population

Elk hunting.Photo: Gorm Kallestad / SCANPIX NB! Modellklarert

Wolf attacks have led to a reduction in the moose population south of the wolf zone. Now forest owners have their share of the hunting quota of 24 wolves.


The matter is under consideration by the Climate and Environment Ministry, says newspaper Nationen.
There are forest owners in Norskog who have complained about this winter’s wolf hunting quotas.
Up to 24 wolves in the wolf zone can be taken out, but not south of the zone where the wolves have hit the moose population.
The Biodiversity Act allows withdrawals for damage to livestock or “other property”. Thus, defects in hunting rights form the basis for the withdrawal, according to Norskog.
– Hunting rights are property rights. We pay wealth tax on hunting rights every year.
The moose strain is not harvestable because of the political reintroduced wolves have resulted in hunting rights losing its content, says Chairman Anne Delphin in Norskog.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today