Online pharmacies are on their way

Pharmacy. Photo:

Soon you will legally be able to buy prescription drugs online. From Wednesday it will now be possible to run online pharmacies within Norway

Health and Human Services Minister Bent Høie has announced that Wednesday will be the virtual opening.
The aim is to make access easier for people, while ensuring that it is still difficult to order illegal drugs from foreign websites.
Online pharmacies have long been around, but what is new is the possibility to order prescription drugs and have these delivered to your door or post office.
Access to e-prescription
The database containing all e-prescriptions has been arranged so that each customer can allow an online pharmacy to access their prescriptions.
– Therefore online pharmacies can dispatch medicines in a safe and secure way, explains Terje Wistner, director of technology and eHealth in The Pharmacy Association.
The pharmacy that will open first , will be up to the market. However, if they shall have access to e-prescriptions, they will be subjected to a quality control by the health authorities.
The Norwegian Medicines Agency approves and will keep a record.
Online pharmacies must use the public solution ID port, where the customer can log in using secure methods such as a code chip from their bank or MinID.
Already on 1 January this year it was permitted to establish an online pharmacy, but the technical solutions that provide access to e-prescription has not been clear until now

Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today

1 Comment on "Online pharmacies are on their way"

  1. Great News.. So now buying medicines online is very easy and legal..

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