Statoil announces solar jobs

The sun can do all the power producersSolar cells. Photo

While the oil industry has an uphill struggle, for the first time Statoil is hiring people who’ll work with solar energy.

The new positions will be posted just a few days before the company holds its quarterly presentation. Oil and gas figures aren’t expected to be cheerful reading, wrote the newspaper Dagens Næringsliv.

Solar energy is by no means a turnaround, but the company may start to see the opening of a new part of the energy sector.

‘The two positions are now out, and in business. The renewable unit so far has concentrated on offshore wind energy, carbon capture and storage, and venture.

But we have always been open about looking at the sun as an opportunity’, says Statoil renewable spokeswoman Elin Isaksen.

Those who get the job will initially be probing what at the time-being is uncharted territory.

Previously the company has said it must have something obviously its own to add before it enters the area of renewable energy. With wind energy, offshore expertise has been useful.

‘Sun is interesting, but the market is relatively mature. Where Statoil will position itself, in which segment, remains to be seen’, says Isaksen.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today