255 “October children” have been rejected

UDI Logo, minor asylum seekersLogo UDI. Photo Norway Today Media

395 single underage asylum seekers, the so-called “oktoberbarna” have had their cases reconsidered.Of these, 255 have been rejected, UDI stated.


According to the Directorate of Immigration (UDI),they do not fulfil the requirements imposed by Parliament when the elected representatives decided to open up new treatments for these applications.

“Oktoberbarna” are asylum seekers who came to Norway as single, unaccompanied child asylum seekers in the autumn of 2015. They were granted temporary residency until they became 18 years of age, when they would be returned to internal accommodation in their home country.

The parliamentary majority decided in November 2017,against Fremskrittsparti (Frp) and Høyres’ votes, that they should review the matter again.

Of the 140 that meet the requirements, 51 have been granted residence due to strong humanitarian considerations, while one has been granted residence for reasons of protection. Two applications are so far rejected.

Of almost one hundred people at the deadline, everyone has had their application rejected, UDI stated.


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