Break in at Alnabru freight terminal in Oslo

Police carPolice car.Photo: Norway Today Media

The security company at the Alnabru terminal in Oslo called police to report that they were observing three men on surveillance cameras   breaking into a freight container at the terminal, and stealing computer items and loading them into several cars,” said operations manager Rune Hekkelstrand in Oslo police district to NTB.


A 20 year old man is arrested. The police are looking for the other two suspects using a dog patrol in the area.
We have found a lot of the attempted stolen goods on site, there is so much that we can not accommodate it in our smaller police cars,” he continues. The police have found about a hundred Apple computers that the thieves had tried to steal.
We do not know how the suspects knew about what was in the container, no need for speculation, but it’s hardly a coincidence that they were there at the time,” said the operation manager.
Two of the thieves fled. Two cars are left on site. The police reported the incident on Twitter at 06:11 Sunday.

© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today