Brende: Europe is more fragile than previously thought

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende.Photo: Ole Gunnar Onsøien / NTB scanpix

We are facing a more challenging foreign and security policy situation than ever,  Mr Brende said.
– We are experiencing increased vulnerability, a sense that the order we have built in Europe and globally in recent decades is more fragile than we thought, said Brende in his foreign policy address to parliament Tuesday.
He pointed to wars and conflicts in neighboring areas and fragile states in North Africa, the Middle East and Afghanistan, with problems such as radicalization, violent extremism and high unemployment.
– European cooperation is put to the test by migration, economic crises and terrorist danger, he pointed out in the introduction to the report.
He also pointed out that Russia has become more assertive and unpredictable.
– 2014 and 2015 were difficult years in Norwegian foreign policy. But we need to brace ourselves, for 2016 may be even harder,  Brende said.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today