State run care for the elderly tested in six municipalities

Elderly people in Norway care for the elderlyElderly. Photo:

State run care for the elderly tested in six municipalities

Since May 2016, the Government has spent almost 100 million on a test scheme with state-funded care for the elderly in six municipalities.


Initially, 18 municipalities were to participate in the attempted state funding, which will make care for the eldery independent of the municipality’s economy. Even with only six municipalities participating , state secretary from the Ministry of Health and Care Services, Frode Hestnes (Frp), believes that the evaluation will be valuable, writes Dagsavisen.

-By comparison, only four municipalities were involved when the personal GP scheme was tried and evaluated, says Hestnes. According to the ministry, the trial has cost a little shy of NOK 100 million, money spent from the Ministry for the Municipalities

Based on figures from 2015

– In the transfer, we base the sums on what the municipalities used to provide residents with health and care services in 2015. On top of that, they receive a 4 per cent increase. This amounts to approximately NOK 40 million annually over the trial period for the municipalities, explains the Secretary of State.

The Directorate of Health is responsible for the implementation and evaluation until the trial ends May 1, 2019.


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