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New rules for passports

Norwegian PassportNorwegian Passport. Photo: Norway Today Media

The new passport rules, which  may lead to tens of thousands ending up being listed with unknown place of birth, will weaken the credibility of the Police Directorate,  law professor Mads Andenæs says.

The new rules means more stringent requirements for information to be considered to be credible enough for Norway to put it into the passport. 30 countries – most of them in Asia and Africa – are  listed as countries where information on place of birth can not be controlled well enough. This means that people who are born in these countries passports will have the birthplace written on their passports changed to “birthplace unknown,” although today they might have a Norwegian passport with correct birthplace.
The practice was changed after the Police Directorate issued a circular in March.
– intervention
Andenæs reacts and believe the scheme will be legally tried,  the newspaper Klassekampen writes.
– This is so restrictive that everyone understands that it should have been  subjected to a public consultation process. It  may appear that the Administration Act requirements for procedures was not followed in this case either, the professor says.
Persons listed with unknown place of birth in the passport may have trouble gaining entry to and visas for  a number of countries, including China and the United States.
– It is important to know what lead to the change in rules. Has the Police Directorate done this on its own initiative or has it come about as the result of a political process? This is unclear, and it leads to a weakening of the Police Directorate’s credibility, he said.
Those who are  not able to provide good enough documentation for their birthplace, will at  worst be denied passports, Dagsavisen. The new rules may also have consequences for people born abroad who have been adopted by Norwegian citizens.
– This may affect 20,000 adopted children with Norwegian citizenship,  Øystein Gudim, leader in Adoption Forum, says.
– Many of those who have been adopted haven’t got birth certificate from their birthplace, and it is not possible for them to be issued this.
Adoption Forum and the association Children of the World has been contacted by several parents who says that the children have trouble renewing their passports. Although they have previously had a valid passport with information on place of birth and country of origin, they are now being denied getting a new passport issued.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today

6 Comments on "New rules for passports"

  1. Glenda Eriksen | 9. June 2016 at 19:17 |

    Norwegians are very patriotic but how can they do this to this 31countries that had been living in norway for many yrs and change their citizenship but their birth of place must not recognized? this sounds like Racist too but most of all STUPID & IDIOT!!

  2. Racist? I think you mean xenophobic. Learn the difference before you use the “r” word…

  3. @ Dallas. What does xenophobic mean. It’s such a ‘conk’ word

  4. I am not sure such a decision have been taught through. We all know the importance of 11 digit personal No in Norway. It is this same birth certificate that carries this information and the place of birth, so if this cannot be ascertained or verified why should it be used to generate personal No for every individual with legal permit to stay i Norway. I just believe they don’t know the implication of what they are trying to do.

  5. Björg Irene Karlsen | 12. June 2016 at 08:02 |

    So it seems that the problem not only will be to have been noticed as Unknown in the passport,but also that persons might be having problem of getting a passport renewed, even when he all ready had a passport for many years!

  6. teresa togbah | 19. June 2016 at 09:53 |

    this is the part hand work of barnervanet.
    they want to steal people children and make them their own and that child will not know where they are from eaither and adopted children as well.

    believe me.
    norwegian population are so small and this is the only way they will steal people to increase their population.

    I will go back and take my country passport because it will be so difficult to travel many countries includes african country apart from.

    I have never seen this before.
    norwegian only sleep and wakeup with stupid and folish decisions and underlinging it as a law.
    I wonder who will be so desperate for this their usless passport to accept such.
    only a fool like them will do so.

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