A likely connection between fires in Oslo on Tuesday night

Firetruck GjøvikFiretruck. Photo: Norway Today Media

Police believe the fires that were fought in Tøyen and Grønland on Tuesday night were connected. A local shopkeeper also reported a burglary in the area.


Just before midnight, the police in Oslo were called to an awning that burned in a kindergarten building near Tøyen. Approximately an hour later,there were reports received of a fire at Kampen School.

‘A building burned right inside Kampen School. There were also some cars burning,’ said operations manager, Steinar Hausvik of Oslo police district to NTB news at midnight. The fire started in a shed of prams belonging to a nursery. Additionally, two cars burned at the site.

Immediately afterwards, the police had to move out again, this time to burning cardboard in the same area. Only 20 minutes later, a containe was burning in Grønland, according to TV 2.

‘The time and place indicate that the fires are connected. We are working on the basis that one or more people have lit them’, said operations manager, Rune Hekkelstrand, to TV2.

The morning after the fire, a local shopkeeper in Grønland reported a burglary. He came discovered broken doors, and the windows smashed a few steps away from where the fires had occurred.

Throughout the night, the police were searching for two suspects.

‘We have learned that two people were in the area at the time the fires started, but can’t say if they were connected to them,’ said Hekkelstrand.

All four fires were quickly extinguished, but the operation manager said they’ll be widely investigated in the days, and weeks to come.

‘It’s serious if someone walks about setting things alight,’ Hekkelstrand said.


© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today