Memorable year for humanistic confirmations

Oslo. Humanistic confirmations (civil confirmation) in Oslo City Hall..Photo: Marianne Løvland / Scanpix

As of today, a quarter of a million young people  have selected humanistic confirmation since its inception in 1951. Out of these  more than 10,000 people have chosen humanistic confirmations this year.
Human-Etisk forbund (Humanist Association Norway) will celebrates this year that 250,000 young people have chosen the the humanistic confirmation since it was first offered  in 1951.

The association writes in a press release  that the number of confirmations has remained stable in recent years. Vestfold, Akershus and Oslo are the counties with the largest share of the humanistic confirmands. More than a fifth of the people who are confirmed  attend the courses organized by Human-Etisk forbund.

Nordland boasts the greatest rise in the number of humanistic confirmands compared with last year. The number of people who chose civil confirmation in that county rose by over three percent in 2016.
Humanistic confirmation is  least popular  in Sogn og Fjordane, where only 6.5 percent of young people choose the humanistic confirmation.

In 2016, t61,090 14-year-olds can choose between different types of confirmations. 10,263 has this year chosen the humanities confirmation, while the figures for christian confirmation will not be ready until January next year.

– We see that there is a rising number who choose the autumn as the time of their confirmation. But we have had stable good numbers in recent years,  press officer in the Norwegian Church, Siv Thompson says.
The figures from 2015 show that of 63,359 of the pupils in eighth-grade take part in a Confirmation ceremony. 39,523 of those chose the confirmation of the Norwegian church. 10,369 chose civil confirmation.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today