Nine of 78 border crossings are manned

Storskog border to RussiaStorskog border to Russia.Photo: Torstein Bøe / NTB scanpix

Fremskrittspartiet’s (Frp’s) promise of Permanent Border Control has not made any changes as of today, with just nine of 78 land border crossings manned.


‘We can’t station people at every border crossing in Norway. It isn’t possible’, said Ulf Leirstein of the Justice Committee (Frp) to ABC News.

Of the remaining crossings, there will be only a smattering occupied with personnel if there is a new migration wave, he said.

Norway’s dispensation for border controls expires in October. Party leader, Siv Jensen, has stated that she will introduce it permanently.

‘We’ve said that we see no reason to abolish border controls when the autumn comes, regardless of what the Schengen agreement says,’ Leirstein said.

According to the Police Directorate, there is only one border control site, situated at Storskog in Finnmark.

‘We don’t have border controls with Sweden and Finland.
Our only land border crossing point is at Storskog on the crossing with Russia.

The coast counts as the Schengen border. The Customs Service have oversight of border crossings since Norway is not affiliated with the Customs Union, said Head of Division at the Police Directorate, John Ståle Stamnes.

Leirstein pointed out that there must be border control on ‘all major border crossings’. At the smaller border crossings, he wants cameras that are monitored on a day-to-day basis.

© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today