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Police has a high focus on a case related to discovery of a dead Swedish in Torshov

Politiet.Torshov in Oslo.Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix

The dead man was found outside an apartment building on Torshov in Oslo on Monday who probably was the victim of a criminal act, police said. The man is a 33 years old Swedish citizen.

– The body has been autopsied and police received information about the likely cause of death, but we will for the sake of the investigation will not release more detail information, says police inspector Grete Lien Metlid from Oslo police district’s department of violence and sexual crimes.

She said the investigation so far indicates that the deceased has been subjected to an offense. This is also strengthened by the autopsy.

Police do not know when exactly the 33 years old has been dead, and said that he probably was transported to the discovery site on Torshov.

– It is still too early to conclude further about what has happened prior to death, and where he died, saying Metlid.

– Police have reason to believe that the man has been dead for some time, up to several days.

How long the man was lying on the spot where he was found is unclear, but probably in less time. Evidence indicates that he has been transported to the discovery site.

The dead man is now identified as a Swedish citizen of 33 years who were residing in Sweden.

– He reportedly recently have come to Oslo. So far the investigation shows that he came to Norway late last week, says Grete Lien Metlid.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today