PST: Engineer has encouraged terrorism

Terrorism PSTAnti-Terror Police. Photo:

PST believes Norwegian has encouraged killing pilots

The Special Branch of the Norwegian Police (PST) has accused a 51-year-old Norewgian engineer of sharing a bomb recipe and to have encouraged murder.


The indictment was issued on Wednesday, TV 2 is informed by the man’s defense lawyer, Brynjar Meling, who says his client does not acknowledge culpability. Meling is probably better known for representing Najmaddin Faraj Ahmad, aka Mullah Krekar.

The man who, until he was arrested on May 11, 2015, worked for the engineering company Aker Solutions at Fornebu outside Oslo, is accused of spreading information related to terror on the internet and for encouraging murder. When he was arrested, he was indicted under section 147c of the Norwegian Penal Code, which covers call for terrorist methods and acts.

– He believes there is ample evidence supporting his claim that it is impossible that he was logged on to the pertinent computer equipment at the specified occasions, says Meling to the national broadcaster TV 2.

Norwegian national

The man is a naturalized Norwegian citizen, but originates from Iraq.

– He believes he has explained in depth about what his political and religious stances are, and how he views ISIL and other terrorist groups. He notes that PST obviously has not chosen to pay heed to this, says his lawyer, Brynjar Meling.

In addition to the indictments relating to terrorism, the man is also charged with illegal storage of a hunting rifle and ammunition.

The man was arrested after the employer, Aker Soolutions,  notified the police of suspicious behaviour by the man. The employer allegedly discovered that he was active on extremist web pages. According to TV 2, the man was not central in the so-called Islamist community in Norway when he was arrested. He was released from custody in August 2015.


© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today