Record amount of wildlife killed in traffic

Moose.Photo: Paul Kleiven / NTB scanpix

Never before has so many animals been killed by traffic. 10,200 animals including moose, elk and deer, were killed by traffic during the hunting year 2017-2018, according to Statistics Norway.


It is 2,900 more than the year before, according to Statistics Norway Statistics (SSB).

The increase was greatest for deer and moose. In total, 6,599 deer and 2,374 moose were killed by traffic.

The solid increase is due to a long and snowy winter, according to senior counselor Trond Amund Steinset in SSB.

“The main reason for the increase in roadkill was the snowy winter with long cold periods. Under such circumstances, game pulls against roads and railways,” he says.

On average 28 animals are killed on the roads every single day in Norway.


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