Tusenfryd amusement park is imposed hefty fine after accident

Vinterbro.TusenFryd Amusement Park.Photo : Vegard Wivestad Grøtt / NTB scanpix

The amusement park, Tusenfryd, outside of Oslo, has been charged a fine of 300,000 kroner after an accident in 2015. A summer visitor damaged their foot in the accident.


The summer warden worked at the Supersplash attraction and got his foot injured after being hit by one of the wagons. The case was was first investigated by the police, but after this, the complaint was resumed legally.

Now the police have concluded that the amusement park must pay a fine of 300,000 kroner, according to NRK news. Police believe Tusenfryd did not have enough security.

The doctors managed to save the leg of the summer worker after the accident, but he is living with permanent damage to his foot.

‘He has function of the leg, but the accident affects him, and he has returned to medical treatment. He has also lost a lot of schooling because of this,’ said Christian Lundin, the young man’s aid attorney.

The summer employee and the amusement park had previously agreed on compensation.

Tusenfryd do not wish to be interviewed, but wrote the following in an email to NRK news:

‘We note that the authorities have changed their opinion after first considering the case for one year, and concluding, in November 2016, that there was no basis for this. We have just received documentation, and have thus far not had time to review the basis of the assessments that are currently standing.’

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