Multiple calls to 113 by stroke victims

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Knowledge of stroke symptoms has increased, and more are calling 113 in case of a suspected stroke, according to the national stroke register.

In late 2016, the Norwegian Directorate of Health conducted a campaign aimed to inform people of what symptoms can occur during a stroke and the importance of rapid treatment. The aim of the campaign was for more people to call 113 in case of acute symptoms such as difficulty in talking, smiling and lifting.

Now, the national stroke register has concluded that the campaign has had a good effect.

The knowledge of the population about stroke symptoms has increased, and more are calling 113 in case of suspected stroke symptoms. The effect slowed somewhat after the campaign, but as much as 20 percent have gained new knowledge about calling 113 in case of stroke symptoms, and more than before are calling 113.

Every year, 12,000 people are admitted to hospital with acute stroke in Norway. In nine out of ten cases, it is caused by blood clots, which makes it important to get started quickly with thrombolysis treatment.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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