The government introduces so-called ‘Tesla fee’


The government will introduce a new one-time fee on the heaviest electric cars. It’s mainly to the electric cars from the manufacturer Tesla.


The new fee will be calculated based on the weight of the car, thus it will vary from a few thousand kroner to several tens of thousands of kroner, reported Aftenposten newspaper.

Fremskrittsparti (Frp) parliamentary leader, Hans Andreas Limi, pointed out to the newspaper that Tesla cars are ‘big, heavy cars, hard on the roads. The only advantage with them is less emissions.

It will be a little challenging in the long run’, he said.
The number of electric cars, and rechargeable hybrids in Norway is more than sixfold the number it was when the Solberg government took power. As a result, government revenue has been greatly reduced due to the tax advantages of driving these cars.


Source: NRK / Norway Today