Many Norwegian companies in Gothenburg

NorwayNorwegian flag

Of all the companies that established themselves in Gothenburg in 2014, Norwegian companies stand out. In the year before the last there were 461 Norwegian company in Sweden’s second largest city, and the trend is continuing.
The number of foreign companies established in Gothenburg in 2014 was 2.7 percent higher compared to the previous year, which is the highest increase in Sweden. Among the companies  65 were from Norway, the country that tops the entry list in the region, the newspaper Göteborgs-Posten.
– From 2014, we have seen a tremendous increase of Norwegian investments, and we think this is because they are seeking safer investments abroad after the downturn in the Norwegian economy, s Andreas Göthberg by Business Region Gothenburg says to the newspaper.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today