UP chief: Over hundred drivers had their driving licenses taken away this Easter

Traffic control.Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / SCANPIX

Over 100 licenses seized and around 1,000 fines for speeding in the  Easter traffic is too much,  UP chief Runar Karlsen thinks.

I think this is quite a lot, considering that we have announced clearly that we were going to have many patrols on the road and that we would carry out inspections. The main impression is that this has been an Easter with lots of cars driving at high speeds, the UP chief says to the news agency NTB.
On Monday night this Easter was almost over. The worst traffic was done. But it was still too early to take stock. All figures had not yet been  collected at 20 o’clock, but things seemed clear-cut to Karlsen:  The number of fines and licences being confiscated this Easter  was about the same number of fines and licenses being confiscated that he will get after an average week in traffic – over 100 drivers licences confiscated and about 1,000 speeding tickets by the end of the week.
– These are quite high numbers, given that there have been much more congestion and traffic than in a regular week this Easter . 1,000 fines is almost the same number of fines we collect in a regular week,  Karlsen says.
However the UP chief also want to look at the bright side of things and emphasizes  that the number of deaths in road accidents is half of the average number for the last ten Easters.
– We’ve only had two fatalities because of accidents this Easter, he notes.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today