Consent for vaccine from one parent should be enough

flu vaccine HPV VaccineVaccine. Photo

The Government proposes an amendment which says that only one parent need to consent to vaccinated the child.

The Government points out that vaccination coverage in the population must be between 80 and 95 percent a to get a disease under control, depending on how contagious the disease are.

If the vaccination coverage is too low, the diseases there are control over today will come back.

– It is therefore important that it dont creates unnecessary obstacles to that most children and young people get the vaccines in the childhood immunization.

A requirement for consent from both parents can lead to unfortunate delays and loss of essential vaccines, says Health minister Bent Høie.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today

1 Comment on "Consent for vaccine from one parent should be enough"

  1. Steve Hinks | 5. April 2017 at 08:59 | Reply

    I don’t disagree as long as the consent is INFORMED consent. In the UK it is a legal requirement for doctors to provide informed consent but it rarely happens. Since 2008 90% of schoolgirls have received the HPV vaccine with devastating effect. We were mot told that there is ZERO evidence that Cervarix and Gardasil will ever prevent a single case of cancer. The manufacturers, GSK and Merck, only ever state they are ‘intended to’ or ‘expected to’ but it will be 20 years before we find out.
    Cervarix is expected to prevent 2 strains of HPV, Gardasil 4 strains and Gardasil9 9 strains but there are over 170 strains of HPV with at least 40 involved in cancers but scientists expect other strains, potentially more lethal, to take the place of those which might be prevented by the vaccines.
    The World Health Organisation has a database of adverse drug reports at There are over 72,000 reports of adverse events with this vaccine, including 280 deaths, WHO also acknowledges only 10% get reported.
    What is worse there have been several reports of VACCINATED girls as young as 18 developing cervical cancer.
    INFORMED consent must be a legal and practiced requirement.

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