First applicant to Storskog in almost ten months

Storskog. Photo: Torstein Bøe / NTB scanpix

On Friday, the first applicant in almost ten months came to the border crossing from Russia to Storskog in Finnmark.
– One guy came today, confirms operations manager Jan Arne Pettersen in Finnmark Police to iFinnmark.

The Sami newspaper Sagat reported first that witnesses had seen a young man on a bicycle who possibly would seek asylum.
The descriptions of the border crossing is in stark contrast to the situation at Storskog in Sør-Varanger last year. Then around 5,500 asylum seekers came trilling to the border station in a short time, which meant that the politicians knew their visition time and visited the border crossing from Russia.

After amendments were made in legislation, new asylum procedure was established and negotiated with the Russians last year, the traffic ceased almost during the day. Last time an applicant came to Storskog was on 30th of November.

Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today