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Government probes nearly concluded

Kjell Ropstad KrF abortion probesDeputy Leader and possible crown prince, Kjell Ropstad (KrF). Photo:

Government probes nearly concluded with KrF

The probes involving the government parties (Conservatives, Progress Party and Liberals) and Christian Democrats (KrF) about forming a majority government in Norway, are supposedly concluded, but must still be approved by the parties


– We are practically finished with the probes. Now anchoring in all four parties remain, a source in one of the negotiating delegations tells Dagens Næringsliv.

A source close to the process confirms to NTB that it is «nearing the end» of the probes.

Sonderingene startet 22. november etter at budsjettavtalen mellom de samme fire partiene var i havn in the Norwegian Parliament. Planen nå er å innlede regjeringsforhandlinger etter jul.

The Christian Democrats assess on Wednesday

The Progress Party has is convening for a National Committee meeting on Tuesday « Due to the probes between the government parties and the Christian Democrats.» Party leader Siv Jensen will be accessible to answer the press after the meeting.

The Liberals held a National committee meeting one and a half weeks ago and now needs a final go-ahead from the parliamentary group before formal government negotiations can begin.

It is one year since the Liberals (Venstre) entered the government after the Conservatives (Høyre) and Progress Party (FrP) agreed with the Party on the Jeløy platform in January this year. The Conservatives and Progress Party had a cooperation agreement with the Liberals and the Christian Democrats during the previous parliamentary term.

Following a disruptive internal process, and against party leader Knut Arild Hareide’s advice, the Christian Democrats decided at an extraordinary national assembly this autumn to seek government cooperation with the Erna Solberg led government. The party’s National Committee and its parliamentary group are presented with the result of the probes in for their approval on Wednesday this week, writes Fædrelandsvennen.

No ultimatum

The Christian Democrat’s Deputy leader and chief negotiator, Kjell Ingolf Ropstad, will not comment except to confirm that they are nearing a conclusion to the probes.

– We need a clarification before Christmas, and I’m starting to get a feel of where we are going to end up, Ropstad tells the newspaper.

Ropstad hopes that the Christian Democrats can reach a final conclusion on Wednesday whether or not the party is to enter into government negotiations. What has been agreed on in the probes so far is, however, still a secret.

A possible promise of a change to the Abortion Act has been considered crucial for Ropstad to be victorious following the roadmap strife during the Christian Democrats’ extraordinary National convention in November. On questions relating to a change to the Abortion Act with them  in government, Ropstad answers as follows:

– We submit no ultimatum.

Participation is probable

Parliamentary Deputy Leader, Hans Fredrik Grøvan, is part of a reference group with members from the “red”, “yellow” and “blue” delegates in the party. He considers it as most likely that the Christian Democrats will be a part of the government early in 2019.

– There will be some tough battles and nothing is in place yet, but I think that the overall impression points towards government, Grøvan informs the newspaper.


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