Government to prevent forced marriages by confiscating children’s passports

Minister of Justice, Jøran Kallmyr of Fremskrittsparti (FRP).Progress Party: Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix

The government will take care of children and young people who are in danger of being sent out of the country against their will. Among other things, they hope to prevent forced marriage.

Children and adolescents may also be deprived of their passports if they are in danger of being left abroad and exposed to violence or abuse reported NRK news. The proposal allows for revocation of a passport and issuing of a new passport.

Important protection

Minister of Justice, Jøran Kallmyr of Fremskrittsparti (FRP) said the goal is to prevent children and young people in this country from being subjected to, for example, forced marriage or sent to violent Koranic schools.

‘’We are aware that young people from Norway are sent out against their will, and that they can end up in a Koranic school or rehabilitation school, which some also call them. It is important that we protect the young people from this, and denying them a passport can be one tool that prevents them from being transported out of Norway’’ said Kallmyr.

If the new rules are adopted by parliament, they can be introduced at the earliest from next year.

Will punish parents

The Minister of Justice is supported by party colleague and Frp’s family political spokeswoman Silje Hjemdal, who is pleased that Kallmyr is taking control. At the same time, she advocated prosecuting parents who deliberately send children to Koranic schools.

‘’Summer is high season for children to be sent to Koranic schools abroad. Passport controls are a very good tool to prevent children and young people from being abused. Furthermore, I must emphasise that parents who send children abroad, where they are subjected to violence and abuse, should be punished. Here we must look carefully at whether the rules are good enough’’ said Hjemdal to NTB news.

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