Islamic Council not good enough at combating terror

Senaid Kobilica.Photo: Bjørn Sigurdsøn / SCANPIX

Imam, Senaid Kobilica believes the Islamic Council has not been good enough at combating the scourge of terrorist acts.


The ‘Islamske fellesskap Bosnia and Herzegovina’ is the largest of the mosques. With 9,346 members, they are also the largest Muslim community in the country.

The fact that they have only begun to do it only now is due to several unsuccessful attempts to get the Islamic Council (IRN) to change course, said chief Imam, Senaid Kobilica to Klassekampen newspaper. He was the leader of the Islamic Council from 2007 to 2012.

Kobilica said he is tired of everyday Muslims being placed in the same category as ideological extremists. At the same time, he said that he can understand it when cases of Islamic terror are increasing on European soil.

‘There has been terror in Copenhagen, London and Barcelona, and we hear almost nothing about it from the Islamic Council. It is very important to be clear in condemning terror. I understand that for Muslims it may well be boring, but it must be done, he said.

Secretary General, Mehtab Afsar has previously said that the Islamic Council are making a great effort towards combating extremism, but that it is not necessarily so visible.


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