Listhaug wants refugee mothers in education earlier


The Government proposes that refugees should begin on education while they are on maternity leave.

– I would now suggest that women should be required to participate in parts of the introductory program while they are on maternity leave, says Immigration and Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug to the newspaper Dagbladet.
She puts forth its white paper on integration policy Wednesday, the same day as the revised national budget presented.
– The fact that women do worse than men on the introductory program, is partly due to the fact that they have children, and thus can be away for ten months. When they miss out on important training, says Listhaug.
Today it is given leave from the introduction program if the participant has a child, and it is not possible to attend part-time. It is this Listhaug now will change. She wants women starting on the program “much earlier” than after ten months.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today