FSA prohibits more people from keeping animals

Agriculture, cows, Hindus Religion gelatin husbandryAgriculture, cows. Photo: Norway Today Media

Norwegian Food Safety Authority prohibits increased people from having animals

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority is hardening its stance on cases concerning long-term, poor animal welfare. Last year, almost 80 people were banned from having animals compared to 30 in 2017.

The number of police-reported cases increased from around 25 in 2017 to about 45 in 2018. This was shown in the Norwegian Food Safety Authority’s annual report according to Nationen newspaper.

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority wrote in the report that chronic poor animal husbandry causes many animals suffering over a long period of time, and that supervision of such animal husbandry rarely gives the desired effect.

‘’We have therefore started to follow up these animal husbandry cases more systematically than before. Animal husbandry must either show lasting improvement or be phased out faster’’ wrote the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

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The figures in the annual report do not say anything about the increase in the prohibitions against animal husbandry being related to pets or production animals.

‘’We will provide more detailed figures about it later’’ said section manager, Torunn Knævelsrud, of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

She said that they have a good overview of the production of animals in agriculture, but that it is more demanding to discover the causes of poor animal husbandry related to pets.

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