Oslo municipality marks Oslo Pride by having the rainbow flag blow in the wind over the capital.
On Thursday, Oslo’s mayor, Marianne Borgen of sosialistisk-venstreparti (SV) and the head of the Gender and Sexual Diversity Association (FRI) Oslo and Akershus, Hans Heen Sikkeland, unfurled the flag at Rådhusplassen.
‘When the capital raises the rainbow flag, it’s a sign that Oslo is an inclusive, diverse, solid and generous city.
I am proud to be the mayor of a city that takes such a clear stance. Oslo should be a safe place to be for everyone, a place where we counteract intolerance, hatred and discrimination’, said the speechmaker, before the flag was raised to the top, according to Blikk.
International guests from, among other places, Serbia, Poland, Russia and the Balkans were present during the flag raising, and there were also several representatives from Oslo City Council.
In connection with Saturday’s parade, the flag will also be raised in the courtyard of Oslo City Hall.There’ll be no unfurling of a heterosexual flag this year, as the straights haven’t yet designed one.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today