Police say there are daily fights at some schools in Oslo

Ulsrud high school in Oslo.Photo: Audun Braastad / NTB scanpix

Police believe the school environment in the capital is more uneasy than before. At one school, there have been fights, daily. A student was attacked with a taser weapon.


On Wednesday last week, a student at Stovner Upper School, threatened with the taser weapon in front of fellow students at Stovner High School, wrote Dagsavisen.

The 16 year old was arrested by the police, and taken in for investigation. Two days earlier, the same student was found with another taser weapon by a teacher. That same week, a pupil shot an air rifle, with small metal pellets, at Ulsrud High School.

‘The school start this year has been characterised by several unwanted events, and a more troubled school environment than we’ve seen before.

Especially in some vulnerable schools we’ve seen this pattern,’ said Jarle Kolstad, leader of the prevention unit at the Manglerud and Stovner police station.

He said his impression is that the extent of the problems are greater than before, including bullying, violence, threats, fights,and drug sales.

‘Sex-related issues, and power struggles about who will be the boss in the class have taken a lot of space,’ Kolstad said.

Almost two weeks ago there was daily fighting at Stovner Upper School. Among other things, a student was transported for medical attention with a possible broken nose.

‘Many people are fearful, and feel directly unsafe in their own workplace,’ said a source at Dagsavisen newspaper.

Dagsavisen hadn’t succeeded in getting a comment from the principals at Stovner and Ulsrud Upper School.


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