Salmon farm relies on renewable energy

Salmon Farm Solar panel renewable energyCEO Helleik Syse together with Production Manager Kjetil Ørnes. Photo: Tommy Ellingsen /

Salmon farm in Rogaland uses mainly renewable energy

A Salmon farm in Rogaland is the first of its kind anywhere – “Smart, both for the environment and wallet.”
Grieg Seafood’s salmon farm at Nordeimsøynå in Rogaland is the first fish farm to use a combination of a wind turbine, solar panels and battery banks in operation, in addition to having a diesel generator as a backup/supplement.

Smart, both for the environment and wallet

Nordeimsøynå in Rogaland. Map: Barentswatch

The solar panels are located on the roof and the wind turbine is on the side of the feed fleet. A battery bank stores the energy from the wind turbine and solar panels. This enables the company to optimize the diesel generator when it is in operation. When the generator operation is switched off, the Sun and wind can supply the plant with power for up to 16 hours.

Grieg Seafood believes that they cut the electricity bill by almost NOK 500,000, annually.

” It is smart, both for the environment and wallet. Now we save around 36,000 litres of diesel a year. A reduction of almost 98 tonnes of CO2,” CEO of Grieg Seafood, Andreas Kvame, informs

Grieg Seafood aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent per kilo of salmon by 2030.


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Too costly

Helleik L. Syse has previously told that it leads to high costs to get rid of the diesel generator once and for all – That it is not profitable in the current market.

“If a plant with a 100 per cent renewable energy system is to function, it must have an overcapacity of wind turbines, solar panels and batteries to ensure continuous operation. Only then will the system cope with periods of little wind and sunshine,” Syse explains.

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