FpU wants a return scheme for snus boxes

Snuff (Snus) box. Photo: Swedish Match

FpU wants a return fee on snus boxes

Four Norwegian kroner in return fee for each snus (oral tobacco pouch) box is one of the proposals that the Fremskrittsparti’s (Frp’s) national conference in May will make a decision on. The youth organization, FpU, are behind the proposal.

‘’We want more plastic sense. What to do with the snus box? We already have a good scheme for the deposit of bottles in Norway,’’ said chairperson, Bjørn-Kristian Svendsrud of FpU to VG newspaper.

He believes the knowledge of bottle return scheme can also be transferred to the snus box.

‘’We see a small hole in the ATMs that we have today, where one could scan the snus box and get back four kroner. It will be better for shopping,’’ said Svendsrud.

The Norwegian Society for Nature Conservation is very positive about FpU’s proposal.

‘’Snus boxes are almost what we see most of when we are out and about the coast and in cities. There are a lot of them,’’ said Martin
Brandtzæg of the Nature Conservation Association.

Figures from Statistics Norway show that 12% of Norwegians use snus daily. Norwegians buy between 65-70 million snus boxes a year.

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