Ullersmo worried that prisoners are radicalized

Ullersmo PrisonUllersmo Prison. Photo: Norway Today Media

Ullersmo Prison worried that prisoners are radicalized

Ullersmo Prison has taken measures to prevent young inmates from being recruited into a radicalized environment during atonement.


A few prisoners in prison are already radicalized when they come to serve their sentence, writes Romerike Blad.

– We can confirm that there is a concern by Ullersmo prison for young inmates being radicalized and recruited to extreme violent environments while serving their sentence, says union representative of the Norwegian Prison and Probation Officers’ Union at Ullersmo, Dag Anfindsen.

The Police Security Service (PST) believes the problem is limited.

– We currently have an overview of this environment in Norwegian prisons, says senior adviser in PST, Siv Alsén, to Romerikes Blad.

Common prayer

Prison chaplain at Ullersmo Prison, Anders Harboe, says that it is important that Muslim prisoners are given the opportunity to perform common prayer.

– When we have great support among the inmates at common prayer, we interpret this as a signal that the radicalization element is not so strong, he says.

One in three prisoners in Norwegian prisons has foreign citizenship. On Ullersmo applies to around half. Ullersmo is located in the municipality of Ullensaker in Romerike and is a high-level prison for men. The capacity is 190 prisoners.


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