Norwegian Islamic Council may crack

OSLO. Senaid Kobilica.Photo: Bjørn Sigurdsøn / SCANPIX

The head of the largest Muslim congregation wants out of Islamsk Råd (IRN) due to the appointment of nikab clad Leyla Hasic (32).

Senaid Kobilica, foremost Imam of the largest Muslim congregation in the country, is upset by the appointment of Hasic, Filter Nyheter writes.

– Islamic Council of Norway will have to go on without the Islamic community for Bosnia and Herzegovina in Norway on board! Unacceptable turn!!!” he writes on Facebook,

He links it to an editorial in VG, where the employment is characterized as a “deliberate provocation” by the IRN.

The Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina has around 9,400 members, and Kobilica was himself the leader of the Islamic Council until 2013.

He confirmed that key members are now considering whether the nikab case will have direct consequences for the Islamic Council as an umbrella organization. He also says that it may be necessary to take the Bosnian congregation out of IRN, but that no decision has been taken.

IRN currently represents 42 different Muslim communities with well over 82.000 Muslims members, according to the organization’s own presentation material.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today