More than 10,000 ‘humanist’ confirmations in 2019

Humanist Confirmation (Civil Confirmation) in Oslo City Hall.Photo: Marianne Løvland / Scanpix

More than 10,000 young people have so far signed up for confirmations with the Human Ethics Association in 2019.


This year, a total of 11,539 were confirmed by the Human-Ethics Association. According to the association,that corresponds to 18.4% of all 15-year-olds in Norway.

“Almost every fifth youth in Norway chose to confirm humanistically this year,” said Secretary General, Trond Enger.

Humanist Confirmation is an offer of a course of philosophy and ethics, where the youth reflect and discuss together in groups.The course ends with a solemn ceremony.

Giving the young people the choice confirming themselves as Christian, with a humanist ceremony or not at all, has become well-rooted in Norway.

‘’Confirmation is to many young people, one of their first important value choices. Our goal is that the course will provide young people with a good foundation when making important choices later in life,’’ said Enger.

Over the past five years, there has been a steady increase in the number of humanist confirmations each year.

“We obviously hope for a new record in 2019 and we work with our volunteers to make the best possible arrangements,” said the Secretary-General.

Enrollment for Humanist Confirmations in 2019 are open until the 1st of October.


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