A number of objects, which in various ways are connected to Edvard Munch or areas of great importance to his life and work, and are taken from eight different municipalities, are to be put together in a box which is to be placed in the floor of the new Munch Museum.
– I think it is totally awesome that these objects are allowed to be lying in this casket for all eternity. Now they are unearthing several pieces of historical jewelry in Oslo.
About one thousand years from now it may be the brooch of aunt Karen which are dug out in that region, Torill Stokkan from Fredrikstad says to the newspaper Aftenposten.
She brought with her a silver brooch which belonged to Munch’s aunt, who has received much of the credit for Munch developing his artistic talent.
The casket was loaded onto Chief Commissioner Raymond Johansen’s office onTuesday and Lae said he felt was a part of something big when he put the items in the casket which Crown Princess Mette-Marit is to lower into the floor of the new museum on Friday.
– It’s not often that you get the opportunity to put the past into a nondescript future, which someone sometime maybe is going to open again, says Johansen.
In addition to the brooch, the contents of the casket include seeds from one of the apple trees at Ekely, a twig from one of the cherry trees outside the current Munch museum at Tøyen, a copy of Munch’s testament, soil from Munch’s birthplace Løten,a shingle from old Vågå church where Munch got inspiration for his aula paintings and a smooth polished stone from the pebble beach in Åsgårdstrand where Munch painted “The girls on the bridge”.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today