With Crown Prince Haakon in the audience, the 100th anniversary of the Norwegian Music Association was marked with a concert at the Opera house in Oslo, Sunday evening.
The Crown Prince was received by President Rita Hirsum Lystad of the Norwegian Association of Music, Oslo’s chairman Marianne Borgen (SV) and Managing Director Geir Bergkastet of the Norwegian Opera & Ballet.
The concert Sunday was rounded by an anniversary celebration which, among other things, included a parade from Universitetsplassen up Karl Johans gate to Slottsplassen. Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) began the parade together with Wenche Myhre and Corps President Rita Hirsum Lystad.
In addition to the anniversary, 2018 was called, the year of the Musikkorpsen. A number of events will take place throughout the country, and all corps are invited to share stories on the association’s website.
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