Two lucians sang for the Crown Prince and Princess during the Lucia celebration at Lørenskog nursing home in Akershus. The Lucians had an age difference of 100 years. Gunnbjørg Johanne Haugen is 105 ½ years old, while Sofie June Helen Jahr Clarke is 5 1/2 years old.
In addition to the royals, the nursing home received visits from 35 children from Løkenåsen kindergarten who participated in the Lucia ceremony and handed out cookies called lussekatter. In addition, the residents at Lørenskog nursing home received sparkling wine.
According to the Crown Prince and Princess, the celebration was very nice and the atmosphere was great. They commented that their own children have now become too old for the Lucia celebration. During the ceremony, the choir of Lørenskog nursing home sang several songs, which resulted in some tears from the Crown Princess.
NTB Scanpix / Norway Today