Heavy rain for festivals

HOVE.Heavy rain for festivals: Tor Erik Schrøder / SCANPIX

Most of the weekend festival goers would do well to bring good rain gear and check how to repack the tent in the rain.

– It will be a wet end to the Riddu riddu festival, I can promise, Geir Ottar Fagerlid, duty meteorologist at the Meteorological Institute in Bergen said.

Riddu riddu festival is taking place in Kåfjord in Troms, they can expect a lot of rain from Saturday afternoon until the end of Sunday.

A large low pressure system will come sweeping in from the Atlantic on the weekend and wash over the entire country with rain and cold weather. But for Nordland and South East Norway it will not be so bad.

– Slottsfjell festival in Tønsberg Vestfold is the festival that comes out best on the weekend, said Fagerlid.

There will only be a little rain, and the temperature is going up to 20 degrees.

Better next week

From Tuesday meteorologists hope for better weather. It will be nice weather in the country, indeed the whole of Scandinavia.

– When we are all the winners, says Fagerlid.

Molde Jazz festival could get some bad weather when they open Monday, but then they get a very nice festival all week. Meteorologists believe that jazz guests have every reason to be optimistic, but that they should be aware that the weather can turn quickly.

Vinje rock festival in Telemark which begins Wednesday the 21st of July, will have fine weather. Good weather should stay until Friday or Saturday, but it is so far ahead that the weatherman will not promise too much.

– It will probably remind us more about summer than the weather we’ve had lately, he said. But temperatures in eastern Norway will remain modest in July.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today