Religious immigrants volunteer more

asylum seekers immigrants religionVolunteers hand out food, which they have received from different restaurants, to asylum seekers outside the national police immigration service on Tøyen : Berit Roald / NTB scanpix

Religious immigrants volunteer more

Religiously active immigrants more often do volunteer work and have more confidence in others than the less religious, according to Statistics Norway (SSB).

Although immigrants participate in voluntary work less frequently than the general population, immigrants who are engaged in voluntary work spend more hours than the norm, according to a report from SSB. These participate more often in religious associations than the general population, but also within secular associations. 13 per cent of immigrants in Norway has performed volunteer work in the past year.

The proportion varies somewhat between the faiths. According to Statistics Norway, Christian immigrants are least involved (9 per cent). They are far less likely to volunteer for secular associations than Muslims are.


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More religious equals more participation

The more often the individual participates in religious meetings, the more frequently she or he participates in voluntary work for secular associations, according to Statistics Norway.

Statistics Norway has also looked at the connection between religious activity and trust.

There is a slight positive correlation between trust and religious activity. According to Statistics Norway, this means that the more immigrants participate in religious meetings, the more trusting they are in general.

According to Statistics Norway, Immigrants generally have less confidence in others than the population seen as a whole. 22 per cent of immigrants have little confidence in their fellow human beings, while the same applies only to 6 per cent of the general population.


Propotion of volunteerism by religious activity


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