Norway’s general cinema audience numbers have fallen,but Oslo experienced an increase of 4% in April and May.
After the opening of the new Odeon cinema with 14 screens on March 22, there has been real growth in the cinema market in Oslo. The big films, “Avengers:Infinity War” and “Deadpool 2” attracted most viewers in Oslo, wrote Aftenposten newspaper.
“The most important finding is that the cinema market in Oslo has increased significantly and that there has been a low level of ‘cannibalisation’. Obviously there
had been too little capacity and too few cinemas in Oslo,something many of us have known for a long time,’’said Guttorm Petterson of the film and cinema industry about the cinema statistics.
While the number of visitors in Oslo rose, the rate in the country at large has dropped 14% in total compared to April and May last year. However, Petterson stated that the cinema bookings nationally are either increasing or decreasing.
“The visits in 2016 were the best in cinemas in Norway since 1983.It is a bit up and down, and last year was a year of decline. 2018 is expected to be a new record
year for cinema bookings here in the country.This is because there are many big films, not least Norwegian,which will attract much of the audience,” said Petterson.
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