Crown Princess Mette-Marit started an interview between authors Kjersti Annesdatter Skomsvold and Geir Gulliksen, Tuesday in Queen Sonja’s Art Gallery behind the Palace.
After the introduction to an almost crowded room, the two authors presented their latest books and spoke more generally about their careers.
The 38-year-old Skomsvold’s last novel “Barnet” is described in VG as a beautiful little novel about topics such as snus, often revealed in surprising twists and turns.
Gulliksen’s newest book “Watch Us Now” is about a happily married PR counselor from Oslo who starts a relationship with a younger woman. According to Aftenposten, the publisher mentions the book as a satirical novel that it is not always easy to understand who benefits from who in such relationships.
“When I write it is considered as my personal experience of something, and that is the worst thing that can happen,” says the 54-year-old author to the newspaper.
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