Oslo Municipality has given permission to a concert organizer to hold 22 concerts at Bislett Stadium.
“If there is something Oslo needs now, it is an intravenous Christmas atmosphere,” Torhild Viken, general manager of the organizing company ONA Live, told newspaper Aftenposten.
On Thursday evening, Oslo Municipality gave the go-ahead for 22 Christmas concerts to be held at Bislett Stadium in December.
The corona rules allow 200 people to attend public events with fixed seats.
A total of 22 concerts
The organizer will place the stage on the running track towards the grandstand, where the 200 spectators will sit in cohorts.
The 22 concerts will take place over six days between December 11 and December 13 and between December 18 and December 20.
Three or four concerts will be held on each of the days.
The organizer is now working on booking artists for the concerts.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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