The Queen celebrated Bjørgvin dioceses 950 year Anniversary

Selja 20180708. Dronning Sonja deltok i feiringen av Bjørgvin bispedømme som fyllte 950 år i dag. Bak henne går ordfører i Selje, Stein Robert Osdal og (t.h) biskop Halvor Nordhaug. Foto: Liv Anette Luane / Det kongelige hoff / NTB Scanpix

Queen Sonja and Climate and Environment Minister Ola Elvestuen were at Selje Monastery, Sunday in Sogn og Fjordane to celebrate Bjørgvin’s diocese 950 year anniversary.


“Selje Monastery is a magical and beautiful place, and this selection has a very special historical significance for Norway,” said Elvestuen to NTB on Sunday’s selection.

The scholars tried to figure out exactly when the West Norwegian diocese, later renamed Bjørgvin diocese, was founded. All we know is that according to the sagas, it was founded during Olav Kyrre’s ruling period (1067-1093).

– Marks Christianity
Olav Kyrre founded in his day the first dioceses on the small island of Selja in Selje in Sogn og Fjordane, and no matter what year the foundation actually took place, the 950 anniversary will be marked this year.

“This day marks Christianity in Western Norway,” says Elvestuen.

Bjørgvin’s bishop Halvor Nordhaug, Selje’s mayor Stein Robert Osdal and Director for Cultural Heritage Jørn Holme were also present during the ceremony.

Coastal pilgrimage
Bjørgvin diocese had plans to quietly pass the 950 year Anniversary, but interest by the Queen and a strong wish from the locals led to the celebration nevertheless.

The Queen also participated in the 900 year Anniversary in 1968, together with her fiancé crown prince Harald, and King Olav.

The Queen also opened the national coastal pilgrimage on Sunday as most pilgrims came by boat. A total of five counties in Norway participate in the coastal pilgrimage.


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