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Several listen to music without paying

streaming music spotify4 out of 10 Norwegians are streaming music without paying for it. Photo:

4 out of 10 listen to music without paying for it

The Norwegian rights agency TONO does not like that as many as 38 per cent listen to music online without paying for it.


Especially on YouTube, many people listen to music for free, but TONO also responds to music streaming via Facebook and on the free version of Spotify, writes Aftenposten.

“When as many as one in four listens to music via Facebook, it’s time they begin to share, a fair share of revenue with the licensees,” says Cato Strøm, CEO of TONO.

The rights organizations TONO in Norway, Koda in Denmark and Teosto in Finland have made a new survey on music listening, which shows that the proportion that listens without paying has increased from 33 to 38 per cent.

“Streaming makes music more accessible than before, but the possibility of free listening adds a damper to the overall willingness to pay,” Cato Strøm in TONO concludes.

88 per cent of Norwegians from the ages of 12 to 65 years old is now streaming music from various services, either for free or paid. The Spotify power services are the most popular in Norway.


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