Expects Equal Treatment of Views of Life

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Expects equal treatment of views of life

The Norwegian Government presents its proposals to secure an open view of life society in Norway before summer. The Norwegian Human-Ethical Federation expects equal treatment to be pivotal.

Cabinet Minister Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (Christian Democrats) has announced that the Government will present its comprehensive Religion and Philosophy of Life policy before the summer holidays. It will be decided how the relationship will be between the Norwegian state, on one hand, and the Church of Norway, other beliefs and views of life, in the coming decades.

Despite increasing diversity in the population, with a very large proportion of non-religious, many public schemes are adapted to a time when the vast majority in Norway were associated with the Church of Norway.

This is no longer the case. The authorities must adapt to reality.

It cannot be that a pastor is the only offer for conversations and markings in when facing hospital, nursing, and prison life crises. In the Armed Forces, the soldiers themselves have asked for a larger diversity in the Armed Forces’ religious and view of life corps.

Membership and funding

New rules for membership of the Church of Norway, other beliefs and views of life, are also necessary. Especially in the light of the recent decades’ revelations about membership fraud among the Catholics and membership clutter in the Church of Norway. When the state allocates funding based on membership numbers, equal rules are crucial.

A life-oriented society is now built in Norway on the remnants of the religious conformity of the past. The role of the state is not to defend the church against a lack of faith in the population. Its role is to secure everyone in Norway freedom of view of life, religious or not, on equal terms.

The Human-Ethical Federation has clear expectations regarding the Government’s policy in this area.


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Demands of the Human-Ethical Federation

  • The Norwegian authorities ensure equal treatment of residents with different religions and beliefs.
  • Human rights must form the basis of all new arrangements.
  • There must be an end to using religion to promote national identity.
  • Cultural heritage can no longer trump the right to equal treatment.
  • The Norwegian state must be impartial to religion and beliefs, in order to best facilitate a life-view society.

About the Human-Ethical Federation

The National Congress is the supreme authority of the Human-Ethical Federation. It consists of 89 delegates. Delegates are elected by the county councils and the Leader of the Executive Board.

The Human-Ethical Federation is a humanistic philosophy of life society. It has more than 94,000 members. The Federation strives for a secular state and diverse society, based on respect for human rights.

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